Russia, Kemerovo
av. Lenina, 33/3

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Automated charging station AZS-2-54
Price by request

The automatic charging station AZS-2-54 is designed to charge storage batteries used in mine lamps and gas analyzers of various types. When charging at the station, the modes "Charge", "Discharge" and the charging time, as well as the "Emergency" mode are indicated for each device being charged.

The station can be manufactured as an independent product, or supplied in the form of separate cassettes for the modernization of operated charging stations of the "Charger-2" type. The station provides monitoring of the integrity of the charging circuit and the functional state of the battery, thereby increasing the efficiency of using the nominal capacity of the battery and increasing the duration of the continuous autonomous operation of the lamp or gas analyzer. 

To buy an automatic charging station AZS-2-54, you need to contact the managers.

Modifications of the charging station AZS-2-54

Modifications Type of charged equipment
AZS-2-54 Lighting fixtures SGG-5, NGR, SMGV, SMZ, SMS, SGG-7, SGG-9, SVG "Luch-2", SVG "Luch-2M"
AZS-2-54S/Т Gas analyzers Signal-2, Signal-5, ATEST-1, ATEST-1U, methane-relay TMRK


Technical Specifications
Charing current 0,1-1,3 A
Charging time No more 12 h
Power consumption  800 VA
Number of simultaneously charged batteries 54
Overall dimensions 1300 х 525 х 1885 mm
Weight No more 172 kg