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Self-rescuer SPI-50
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Self-rescuer insulating SPI-50 Manufacturer JSC "Corporation” Roskhimzashchita"

SPI-50 is a means of personal respiratory protection with chemically bound oxygen. Designed to protect the respiratory system, eyes and skin of the human head from smoke and toxic gases released during fires and other emergencies. 

SPI-50 is distinguished by an increased time of protective action (up to 150 minutes), which makes it possible to use it to protect people during evacuation in the most difficult conditions, especially from high-rise buildings, industrial facilities, nuclear industry enterprises, all types of transport, including subways, etc.

SPI-50 is a special purpose self-rescuer and can be used by employees responsible for organizing the evacuation of personnel and during primary firefighting measures.

The insulating self-rescuer SPI-50 provides autonomous breathing of a person with a gas-air mixture in an emergency, completely protecting the respiratory and vision organs of a person from dangerous environmental factors, including a high content of hazardous chemicals, as well as in the absence or complete absence of oxygen.

Breathing oxygen does not come from the external environment, but is released inside the self-rescuer. SPI-50 works on the principle of absorption of carbon dioxide and moisture by a chemical regenerative product, while simultaneously releasing oxygen from it in a volume proportional to the volume of absorbed substances. 

Unlike devices operating on compressed air or oxygen, SPI-50 does not require regular maintenance and checks, and can be stored for a long time in a state of readiness for use. Containers for stationary attachment are installed at security posts and duty shifts to provide quick access to self-rescuers in order to speed up the primary fire-fighting measures.

SPI-50 does not require compliance with the size range, because equipped with a universal-sized protective cap, which is suitable for people over 12 years old, including those with a beard, mustache, voluminous hairstyle, and also allows you to use personal corrective devices (glasses). The protective cap is made of non-combustible material and protects the head of a person in case of short-term contact with an open flame. 

The self-rescuer provides negotiation capability, is easy to use and does not require prior training in use.


Protective action time:
— in standby mode (sitting) for at least 150 minutes 
— in medium load mode (walking) for at least 50 minutes 
— in heavy load mode (running) for at least 15 minutes 
Guaranteed shelf life  5 years
Product weight  no more than 2.5 kg
The temperature of the inhaled gas-air mixture  is not more than 50° C 
The volume fraction of oxygen in the inhaled gas-air mixture  is not less than 21% 
Operating temperature  from -10 to + 60° C 
Overall dimensions in packing (plastic case) 140х260х330 mm

According to its protective characteristics, SPI-50 meets the requirements:

  • Technical regulations on fire safety requirements (Federal Law of 22.07.2008 No. 123-FZ) in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 53260-2009 “Fire equipment. Self-rescuers insulating with chemically bound oxygen to protect people from toxic combustion products during evacuation from smoky premises during a fire. General technical requirements. Test methods ". 
  • Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 019/2011 "On the safety of personal protective equipment." 
  • The quality and safety of products are confirmed by certificates of conformity.