Russia, Kemerovo
av. Lenina, 33/3

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Single-channel charger ZU-1
Price by request

Single-channel charger ZU-1 is intended for charging sealed and top-up nickel-cadmium batteries as part of mine head lamps and methane alarms. The ZU-1 device is used by consumers who use a small number of lamps and signaling devices.

The charger ZU-1 consists of a power supply unit connected to a ~ 220 V power supply with a frequency of 50 Hz, and a charging unit with a connecting device for connecting the headlight of a charged device. The units are interconnected by a cable. The device, when connected to it a sealed battery, provides its recharge with a constant current (1 ± 0.05) A to a voltage of (4.45 ± 0.1) V, after which it switches to the mode of recharging with a constant voltage with a decrease in the value of the charging current. The device works fully automatically.

Output currents and voltages do not depend on fluctuations in the supply network. The device guarantees operation in full compliance with the technical conditions and operational documentation on them, while: - the risk of battery destruction during charging is eliminated; - the preservation of performance is guaranteed throughout the life of the battery; - subjective operator errors are minimized.

To buy a single-channel charger ZU-1, you need to contact the managers.

Technical characteristics
Charing current 1± 0,05 A
End of charge voltage 4,45±0,1 V
Supply voltage 220 V, 50 Hz
Power consumption  No more 20 V A
Overall dimensions:
- power supply 65х85х80 mm
- charge unit 80х62х70 mm
Weight No more 0,6 kg