Dear colleagues,
We present to your attention a report on our work within the framework of the VIII International Mine Rescue Conference IMRB-2017 in Novokuznetsk.
Representatives of LLC the Trading House "Spasatel" from 04.09.2017 to 06.09.2017. took an active part in one of the stages of the VIII International Mine Rescue Conference IMRB-2017 in Novokuznetsk, sponsored on a PLATINUM level by our partner suppliers DEZEGA.
At the conference, the specialists of LLC the Trading House "Spasatel" had the opportunity to communicate with the most prominent representatives of the world community of mine rescuers. At the DEZEGA stand, the employees of the trading house, together with their partners, took part in the presentation of new rescue equipment offered for entry into the Russian market by our supplier - the South Ural Plant of Mine Rescue Equipment (YuZSO), which is part of the DEZEGA holding.